Sunday, May 26, 2013

Yuki Furukawa Profile

Name : Yuki Furukawa
Born : Tokyo, 18 Oktober 1987
Height : 180 cm
Language : English and Japan (fluent)
Hobby & Special skill: break dancing, basketball
Education: Keio University Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of System Design Engineering

Kali ini, aku pengen berbagi sedikit informasi tentang Yuki Furukawa. Karena sejak nonton Itazura Na Kiss Love In Tokyo gue langsung kepincut dengan ke-cool-an Naoki Irie(peran Yuki di Itakiss).
Sebenarnya aku udah pernah ngeliat nih cowok di film High School Debut tapi karena style rambut Yuki dan ada Junpei Mizobata di film itu, aku jadi ngga terlalu menaruh perhatian ke Yuki. Tapi, di film ini perannya beda banget dan dengan wajahnya yang super awet muda ngga keliatan kalau ternyata dia adalah cowok berumur 26 tahun yang memerankan high schooler-collage student.
Oh ya, Yuki saat berumur 7 tahun sempat pindah ke Toronto, Kanada selama 11 tahun loh. Kemudia dia pindah ke New York saat berumur 16 dan kembali lagi ke Jepang saat berumur 19 tahun. Mau tau film/dorama apa aja yang pernah dimainkan sama Yuki? here the list!


TV Dramas

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Let's Donate Our Blood !

Hi! setelah beberapa lama absen akhirnya bisa posting lagi nih. Kali ini, gue mau bahas tentang donor darah. Karena belakangan ini gue ngebet banget donor darah dan gue belum bisa, alhasil gue melampiaskan semuanya disini. Buat lo yang udah parno duluan dengan yang namanya darah gue harap lo mikir-mikir lagi deh. Soalnya donor darah itu ngga seburuk yang lo pikirin.

Donor darah selain bisa menyelamatkan nyawa orang lain, ternyata juga bagus untuk kesehatan sang pendonor loh. Contohnya kesehatan kita bakalan dicek sebelum melakukan donor darah dan membantu proses regenerasi sel darah merah kita, karena sel darah merah kita akan regenerasi setiap 120 hari sekali.

Diawal gue bilang kalo gue belum bisa donor darah. Why? karena untuk melakukan blood donation ngga bisa sembarangan, harus memenuhi syarat seperti dibawah ini : (source : PMI)
1. Usia 17-60 tahun
2. Berat badan >45 kg
3. Hb >12.5 gr%
4. Tekanan darah sistolik 100-160 mmHg dan diastolik 60-100 mmHg
5. Nadi 50-100 kali/menit
6. Tidak terinfeksi HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, dan sifilis
7. Tidak demam
8. Tidak berpenyakit kulit di tempat tusukan jarum
9. Bukan pecandu alkohol dan narkoba
10. Cukup tidur (5-6 jam).

Oke? gue harap makin banyak orang didunia ini yang sadar akan donor darah dan mau melakukannya. Because we don't have to be a doctor to save lives.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Good Baby

Mrs. William had a good baby. He never cried and his clothes were always clean. Mrs. Briggs was very surprised and said, "When my daughter was small, I gave her a lot of food, but she cried a lot and her clothes were always dirty. Why is your baby so different? How do you do him?"

"Well," answered Mrs. Williams, "My first child was a boy. I always gave him a lot of food, He got very fat, and his stomach was always full. He cried a lot and was dirty. Now, I give my new baby much less and

Jack's New Neighbor

Jack was a young sailor. He lived in England, but he was often away with his ship.
One summer, he came back from a long voyage and found new neighbors near his mother's house. They had a pretty daughter and Jack soon loved her very much.
He said to her, "My next voyage will begin in few days' time, Gloria. I love you, and I'll marry you when I come back. I'll think about you all the time, and I'll write to you and send you a present from every port."
Jack's first post was Freetown in Africa, and he sent Gloria a parrot from there. It spoke five languages.
When Jack's ship reached Australia, there was a letter from Gloria. It said, "Thank you for the parrot, Jack. It tasted much better than a chicken."

(Taken from : Intermediate Reading Comprehension, L.A. Hill)

Magic Mirror

So there are three girls: an ugly redhead, a fat brunette, and a dumb blonde.
The three girls are at a historical inn. They stop to take a tour. The onnkeeper showed them  a mirror. He said  that if you tell a lie in front of it, you disappear.
The ugly redhead goes up to the mirror and says "I think I'm pretty" and POOF! She disappears.
Then the fat brunette goes up to the mirror and says "I think I'm slim" and POOF! She was gone too.
Then the dumb blonde goes up to the mirror and says "I think" and POOF! She was gone.

New Baby

A women is sitting at home entertaining her parents who have come around to congratulate her on the birth of their first grandchild.
"So when can wee see the baby?", asks the grandmother.
"In a little while", replies the mother.
Some time passes. The grandparents are looking quite anxious at this point.
"So, when can we see the baby?", asks the grandfather.
"When the baby starts crying.", replies the mother.
The grandparents turn to look at each other, a little perplexed and ask, "Why do we have to wait until she starts crying?!"
The mother snaps back, "Because I put her down somewhere this morning and I can't remember where she is!"